Middle School Curriculum » Seventh Grade

Seventh Grade

7th Grade Art

“How very drab the lives of our children would be
If they looked, but did not see
Touched, but did not feel
Listened, but never took a curtain call.”
Wilson Riles

Art concepts taught at the Solomon Schechter School of Queens, consist of: Line, shape, form, color, pattern, texture, space and composition.
Introduction to Art begins with drawing lines to form a turtle and a school bus. The children transpose their drawings to clay, where it becomes a three dimensional piece of art. From kindergarten through the 8th grade, drawing continues, consisting of gesture, contour drawing of heads, hands and body, one point perspective to optical illusions.
Throughout the grades, students will be exposed to painting, paper mache, collage, wire sculpture and clay. All children will view the art of the following artists: Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso, Georgia O’Keeffe, Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Joan Miro and Henri Rousseau.
7th Grade Computer Science

All classrooms are equipped with multiple computers and a printer. Most of our classrooms have a Smartboard, an interactive whiteboard that turns your computer and data projector into a powerful tool for teaching and presenting.

The library has a computer center which allows our students the ability to do research through the software on the internet, create signs and write reports.

Our Computer Lab is equipped with twenty-seven flat screen multi-media computers, a printer and a scanner. Through the generous contribution of the Gruss Life Monument Fund, our students are able to have access to numerable enrichment materials in Math and English.
7th Grade English Language Arts
• Expand and deepen the exploration of topics and literary styles begun in sixth grade
• Novels include
o Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Mildred Taylor
o The Perl, John Steinbeck
o Animal Farm, George Orwell
• Companion novels are also included
• Short stories include “ Autumtime, “ Anthony Lentini; “Hail and Farewell, “ Ray Bradbury; “The Monkey’s Paw,” W.W Jacobs
• Expand and intensify analytic process to improve comprehension, higher order thinking, writing and communication skills
• Search and utilize text to support responses and theses
• Analysis of plot structure; rising action, climax, falling action and resolution
• Examination of plot integrity, internal consistency and narrative voice
• Identification of internal and external conflict, analysis and resolution
• Exploration of character, including the foil, the antihero and theme
• Introduction to advanced literary devices such as allegory, anthropomorphism, dramatic irony, symbolism and the tragic flaw
• Evaluation of language usage, audience and dialect

• In and out of the class expository writing assignments using rubrics for self-assessment and critiquing
• Use of graphic organizers to meet needs of individual students
• Focus on content, analysis , grammar and mechanics
• Introduction to non-fiction research, compilation of sources and writing a full-length research report
• Initiation of forma e-mail and business writing techniques
• Develop skills to draft, revise, rewrite and edit work
• Incorporate new vocabulary in written expression

• We continue to study and expand upon the skills learned in sixth grade

• We continue to study and expand upon the skills learned in sixth grade

• We continue to study and expand upon the skills we learned in sixth grade
7th Grade Hebrew Language Arts
The curriculum is based on the NETA program. Children are given a placement exam at the end of fifth grade to determine their level. NETA is an innovative Hebrew language curriculum designed for Middle and High school students, created by Hebrew language curriculum specialists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem NETA provides a comprehensive linguistic and educational framework that enables students to advance to high levels of Hebrew proficiency. Grounded in principles of second-language learning, this framework includes an intellectually rich and sequential curriculum, The NETA curriculum is linguistically sequential; texts and tasks increase in length and complexity as the student’s Hebrew improves.

The curriculum consists of four levels: true beginners (Alpha NETA), advanced beginners, intermediate, and advanced. The true beginners level is designed for one year of study, while the other levels are each designed for two years of study. Lessons are centered on themes of interest to teenagers, ranging from computers and sports to friendship and freedom. Each theme is presented from three perspectives: Jewish tradition, modern Israeli culture and general world knowledge, including art, science, mathematics, literature and philosophy. Each unit of study incorporates art, music, prose, poetry, news articles and Jewish texts, in layers of language ranging from biblical Hebrew to current scientific Hebrew terminology and common colloquialisms.

A unique and important feature of the NETA curriculum is its adherence to a steady pace that allows students to experience tangible progress in their Hebrew proficiency so that by the end of the advanced level students will be able to study subject matter in Hebrew. The curriculum specifies clear goals and measures of achievement, and is accompanied by standardized tests written by the curriculum development team and educational evaluation experts. Prior to entering the program, each student’s level is determined by a multiple-choice placement test.
7th Grade Judaic Studies

In the seventh grade they will learn excerpts from the Torah focusing on legal aspects, including themes like Tzedakah, Kashrut, Tzaar Ba-aley Chaim, Civil Law, etc., with emphasis on skills in deciphering the Pshat, and reading commentaries. Specific efforts are made to show commentaries up to the modern times, and making the texts and laws relevant and applicable to the lives of the children.

NAVI (Prophets)
The curriculum is in a process of transition, currently undergoing revision. Each grade begins the year with selections from the book of Psalms that correspond to the High Holiday season.Seventh graders will learn Shoftim (Judges), and select portions of the books of Samuel.

Jewish History
The seventh graders study a survey course of history from the time of the Second Temple until the end of the Middle Ages.

The seventh graders will study sources coinciding with the laws study in the Chummash curriculum, such as Tzaar Baaley Chayim (preventing cruelty to animals), Tzedakah, SHabbt, laws of Kosher food, and civil laws like returning lost objects.

The seventh graders conclude the life cycle unit, followed by study of Jewish values and middot.

Holidays are celebrated and noted in various ways depending on the nature of the day. Certain days like Rabin Memorial Day, Krystalnacht Memorial, Holocaust Day, and Israel Memorial Day are celebrated with appropriate assemblies. Chanukkah time there is an annual quiz bowl. Purim, Israel Independence Day and Jerusalem Day generally include a fun school program like a thematic game, or a performer. On Sukkot the children eat lunch in the school Sukkah. Different grades conduct Tu Bishvat Seders with an emphasis on ecology. Before Pesach community rabbis come to teach the children texts from the Haggadah in anticipation of the upcoming Passover Seder.On Lag B’Omer the entire school goes out on a picnic.
7th Grade Mathematics
On Grade Level

• Decimals and integers
• Equations and inequalities
• Exponents and factors
• Operations with fractions
• Ratios, rates, and proportions
• Percents
• Geometry
• Measurement
• Patterns and rules
• Graphing in the coordinate plane
• Displaying and analyzing data
• Using probability
• Problem solving

• Integers and algebraic expressions
• Equations and inequalities
• Graphing in the coordinate plane
• Real numbers
• Applications of proportions
• Applications of percents
• Exponents and powers
• Geometry
• Measurement
• Using graphs to analyze data
• Probability
• Operations with polynomials
• Problem solving
7th Grade Physical Education

Physical education continues to be a favorite of all our students. The PE program is designed to develop lifetime activities in order to keep their bodies strong and healthy. Social skills, positive self concepts, cooperative and team play all provide a strong basic foundation. The program will continue to increase skill level during modified sport games. This will include more advanced rules, player positions and strategies. The 7th grade PE curriculum includes a variety of basic sports that provide maximum student participation where inclusion is encouraged and promoted. Sports include: football, track and field, volleyball, soccer, basketball, and softball. Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the sport skills. Students will design and change in order to reach competency in all skill levels to reach their personal best.
7th Grade Science
  • Problem solving and the scientific method
  • Measurement/use of lab equipment
  • Matter: physical and chemical properties
  • States of matter/changes of state
  • Density
  • Gas Laws: Boyles, Charles
  • Elements, compounds and mixtures
  • Solutions, suspensions and colloids
  • Motion, velocity and acceleration
  • Forces
  • Types of friction
  • Gravity and effects on motion
  • Laws of motion (Newton)
  • Forces in fluids (Pascal)
  • Buoyancy (Archimedes)
  • Bernoulli's principle
  • Simple machines/mechanical advantage/efficiency
  • Types of machines
  • Potential/kinetic energy
  • Types of energy
  • Energy conversion and resources
  • Heat and temperature
  • Atomic theories and structure
  • Periodic table
  • Types of bonds: covalent and ionic
  • Electromagnetic spectrum
7th Grade Social Studies
• Native Americans in the New World
• European exploration and rivalries
• Formation of colonies
• Colonial life and frustration with English
• Revolutionary War
• Independence and government
• U.S. Constitution
• War of 1812, Monroe Doctrine and Mexican American War
• Relations with Native Americans: Trail of Tears
• Rights for non-white men, women and African-Americans
• Rights of states
• Civil War
Three day trip to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.
7th Grade Spanish

Spanish classes are built upon using new vocabulary inserted in contextual and meaningful sentences. From the very beginning, the students are able to communicate in Spanish. The four basic skills- reading, writing, listening, and speaking - are present in every lesson. They are highly interactive and dynamic, using games and songs to reinforce the process of learning.

Spanish is becoming increasingly crucial in the global economy. It will, no doubt, play a major role in the students' personal development.

The settings of all the readings, lessons, and activities are related to the Spanish speaking community’s traditions. The aim is to help students understand different cultures and to broaden their world view.

The 7th graders are learning:
• Greetings and introducing themselves
• Introducing others
• Expressing likes and dislikes
• Describing others, including what they are wearing
• Describing the family
• Expressing possession and idioms with the verb “to have”
• Nouns, adjectives, regular verbs and modifiers
• Discussing plans
• Talking about food
• Telling the time
• Learning irregular verbs - to have, to be, to like, to go
• Asking questions with: what, who, whose, when, where, why, from where…
• Vocabulary words including: class objects, animals, rooms in a house, colors, clothing, school subjects, and more